Downtown Phoenix Inc. Launches First 3D Digital Twin of Downtown Phoenix
Downtown Phoenix Inc. is proud to announce the official debut of Downtown Phoenix’s first digital twin. The community-building organization and enhanced municipal services provider has partnered with CyberCity 3D and ORBIS Dynamics to produce a replica of Downtown that will use legions of aggregated data to highlight real-time traffic patterns, zoning ordinances, air quality, prime urban heat locations, and other development-related insights.

Digital twin production and its usage has been on the rise nationally over the past few years, and it has been a goal of Downtown Phoenix Inc. and its partners at the city to develop a model that accurately represents the current state of Downtown and the potential for its growth.
“Downtown Phoenix is growing and evolving rapidly and is the center of our city and the heart of our state,” said Devney Majerle, President + CEO of Downtown Phoenix Inc. “This tool has the potential to inform development, policy, and investment decisions that will benefit DTPHX in a way that few cities are able to currently.”
With access to this advanced technology, city planners can address some of the community’s most perplexing challenges and properly strategize for future growth and development. In addition to displaying current data, it also has the power to create simulations that could ultimately impact policy and business decisions.

With a more “real-life” look into projects and infrastructure modifications, decisions can be made more quickly and confidently, allowing Phoenix to fulfill its maximum potential and better prepare for a rapidly evolving urban core. Just one example of its functionality includes mapping out bike lanes to see how they will impact the roadway flow and user experience. It could also be useful for determining if there’s a market opportunity for a particular category of business that is currently underrepresented within a square-mile radius.
“All of the integral data we need to move Phoenix forward is right here in front of us, said Matt Seaman, Partner at Cardon Development Group, Vice Chair of the Phoenix Community Alliance Board, and Co-Chair of Phoenix Community Alliance’s Central City Planning & Development Committee. “This tool will not only allow us to be more efficient but create a better, more sustainable built environment that benefits all of our futures.”
The digital twin made its debut at Phoenix Community Alliance’s Central City Planning & Development Meeting on Thursday, August 16, to various developers, urban planners, architects, and influential decision-makers so they could see first-hand how the tool will be used in practice. Access to the digital twin is currently available to Phoenix Community Alliance Members for free and a public-facing subscription model is currently in the works. Phoenix Community Alliance is the membership affiliate of Downtown Phoenix Inc. and the preeminent business leadership and advocacy organization serving Greater Downtown.