How do you spell your name in Chinese? Where’s Ennis, Ireland? What’s Nimbus Old Monkeyshine?
To scope out the answers, bring your friends, family and curiosity to WorldFEST 2010, a big multicultural bash at Heritage & Science Park. This Friday, Saturday and Sunday, WorldFEST 2010 celebrates the culture, art and food of our sister cities in China, Israel, France, Mexico, Ireland and more.
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Admission is everyone’s favorite four-letter word – free – and there’s a dazzling array of things to taste, see and do. Here’s a quick sampling of what you’ll find:
Beer, Beer and More Beer
Beer lovers, start your engines. For just $4, you can buy a sample tray of beer or a full 16 oz cup of your favorite. There are nearly 50 beers from around the world, ranging from Belhaven Scottish Ale and Sapporo Draft to Spaten Oktoberfest. If you prefer grapes to hops, check out the wines from Japan, New Zealand, Germany, France and Australia.
Events for Foodies
On Saturday and Sunday, you can watch Master Chef Theresa Lin at work. A superstar of Asian cuisine who’s authored 16 cookbooks, Lin will demonstrate the art of Chinese cooking. Hungry for more? On Friday, you can attend the World Lunch featuring food from the Havana Café, Pink Pepper Thai and Carolina’s Mexican Food, among others, for just $10 in advance and $12 the day of the event. Plus, you’ll find all kinds of international goodies all weekend long at WorldFEST.
Live Entertainment
Music is a constant at WorldFEST. One stage will feature live bands, including Crooked Grin, the Screamin’ Javelinas and Trash, while the second will showcase performers from around the world like McTeggart Irish Dance and Lau’s Lion Dance Team from China.
Kids’ Stuff
If you’ve got kids or just want to entertain one for the weekend, WorldFEST has tons of ways to keep the little nippers happy. Kids 12 and under receive a “Passport to the World,” which leads them through Sister Cities Village, which is chock-full of exhibits and hands-on activities. Kids can explore a castle, learn how to rope a steer, make Italian masks and do Chinese calligraphy.