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Arts & Culture Bars & Nightlife Community Commentary Family Fara Illich March 4, 2013

PocketFolderShot300pxArriving in a new city is never easy, and, given the overall stress levels associated with it, the more you know in advance the better. Let’s be honest, moving is horrid. All you once knew is blown away in a wave of activity and confusion. What you’re left with is akin to nuclear fallout disguised as innumerable boxes, an alien landscape with places you’ve never heard of and the feeling of instability. Moving to Phoenix happens for a variety of reasons, but whether those reasons are for family or work, the resources to make this city your home are plentiful. Below are a few tips to help.
Your home
Moving can cause your already crazy life to be even more unstable. That’s why making your home as perfect as possible should be priority No. 1. First, make the choice what kind of home you want…apartment or house?
Phoenix apartments are plentiful, and given the median home price in the Phoenix area rose 40 percent in 2012, this may be a good option. To dispel a popular myth: apartments aren’t always small. Some range from 700 to over 1,500 square feet. Given that there are so many Downtown phoenix apartments, and the fact that you don’t want to immediately take on a mortgage when you move to a new city, an apartment is a good option for a single person or a family.
Don’t like apartments? That’s fine. If you’re interested in a house, don’t do it on your own; find a realtor. Why? These people rarely get paid until they find you a house, it’s all they do and it saves you time — which is invaluable. Simply state what you’re looking for and what’s in your price range, and they go to work for you. Let’s face it: the reality is you don’t have the time to deal with the stress of doing it on your own.
Whatever type of home you end up in, there are some follow-up tasks that will make your adjustment period easier — some seem obvious, but they’re still important.
– Unpack: Fewer boxes means less stress. Remember stability and carry on. Home doesn’t conjure up images of unpacked boxes.
– Add visual appeal: White walls and no furniture do not make a home. You aren’t in college anymore, so don’t act like it. Decorate your place with a variety of complementary styles and add your flair. Need some suggestions or ideas on what art you might like? Visit a First Friday to pick up artwork ranging from photographs to sculptures from local artists. And don’t forget to take advantage of all of your kids’ artwork. Using removable wall hooks, hang string or wire across the wall for them to pin their work to.
Moved in? Good for you. Now let’s do something fun. Remember stability? It’s often associated with a familiar setting, both inside and outside the home. You won’t have to look far in Phoenix. Check out the Downtown Phoenix events calendar or visit a DREAMR Best of Downtown Winners to sample what Downtown has to offer.
Carry on
Moving is stressful. Moving to a new city is worse. Moving to a new city and not knowing about the culture, events or surrounding area can be a nightmare. But remember stability? That’s in your hands.