A large influx of visitors is expected in Downtown Phoenix on Tuesday, Aug. 22. (Photo: City of Phoenix)
Downtown Phoenix is expecting a large influx of up to 25,000 visitors in advance of President Trump’s planned rally at the
Phoenix Convention Center on Tuesday, Aug. 22. While the rally is scheduled to start at 7 p.m., attendees are expected to arrive before noon. Public demonstrations are also planned to take place outside of the Convention Center as early as 3 p.m.
Whether you work downtown or are planning to attend any of the events, here’s what you need to know to get around Downtown Phoenix:
Street Closures
The following streets will be closed during the afternoon on Tuesday, Aug. 22.
• Monroe Street from Second to Seventh streets.
• Third Street from Washington to Van Buren streets.
• Fifth Street from Jefferson to Van Buren streets.
While major streets in Downtown Phoenix, such as Washington, Jefferson and Van Buren streets, are scheduled to remain open during this event, traffic restrictions will apply to these streets.
Please plan to exit Downtown Phoenix from the west and south. If you plan on coming downtown for the event, please plan to use Valley Metro Light Rail as some parking garages will be closed.
Parking Garage Restrictions, Business Hours
Downtown Phoenix Inc. (DPI) is keeping track of all parking garage restrictions and special business hours in a living document. Check here for regular updates.
Enhanced Security
There will be hundreds of public safety officers in the downtown area for the event. DPI will also share need-to-know updates through Twitter and Facebook.