Whittier Elementary School
Category Schools
2000 N 16th St
Phoenix, AZ 85006
(602) 257-3925
Grades K-8th
Public School
Whittier Elementary School is currently a kindergarten through eighth grade school serving many families from the historic Coronado neighborhood as well as many other parts of the Phoenix Metropolitan area.
Nearby Dining
- Big Bacon's719 E Roosevelt St (1.2 miles SW)
- Tap That Downtown909 N 5th St (1.4 miles SW)
- Greenwood Brewing425 E Roosevelt St (1.4 miles SW)
- Xanadu Coffee Co625 N 7th St (1.4 miles SW)
Nearby Shopping
- Straw & Wool610 E Roosevelt St (1.3 miles SW)
- ACRES Community Creators Marketplace610 E Roosevelt St (1.3 miles SW)
- Stardust & Sage610 E Roosevelt St (1.3 miles SW)
- Bud's Glass Joint907 N 5th St (1.4 miles SW)
Nearby Arts & Culture
- Ace Uniforms1506 E McDowell Rd (0.3 miles SW)
- Phoenix Center for the Arts1202 N 3rd St (1.4 miles SW)
- MADE Art Boutique922 N 5th Ave (1.4 miles SW)
- Heard Museum2301 N Central Ave (1.4 miles W)